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H&M Home is coming

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Announced in a tweet by H&M France on January 30, the very popular H&M Home line will soon be available in France. Firstly, there will be a corner dedicated to kids products launched in the Parisian de la rue Lafayette store from March 13, with two dedicated stores opening by the end of spring; one in the 13th (whhhyyyy???) and one at Mulhouse, in the Haut-Rhin region of France. E-tail will follow by the start of summer.

I have a love-hate relationship with H&M; I love that if I'm feeling really uninterested in anything in my wardrobe I can head to one of their stores for an inexpensive pick-me-up. I also think their basics are awesome. But I have to question how they can produce their items so cheaply... (This excellent video series by Planet Money gives you some insight. After you've watched that, and you should, it's brilliant, read this).

But, back to Home - I'm currently in the process of 'sprucing' mine. A little while ago I resigned to the fact that I will be living in Europe for a little while longer and decided my home should really be my sanctuary, not a temporary shelter.

So, after scouring the UK site I've chosen my picks from the current Home range.

1 Perfect next to the sofa for the knitting :: 2 For all the craft supplies I come home with before I file them away :: 3 To bring some sunshine inside :: 4 And, to go on the bed alongside my new Brakig cushion :: 5 A couple, lined up, full of bathroom things, and 6 :: Because, they're Galahs!! For a little bit of Home in the home.


**UPDATE; the full collection is now available online with the launch of the H&M France e-store -


  1. This is exciting news!!!! I particularly love those pots : ) I'm ashamed to admit I had no idea what Galahs were but they're pretty fierce and rock the pink very well. Happy Friday xx

    1. I know, right! I'm quite excited! Galahs are the prettiest birds! They're pink and grey! xx

  2. How exciting! H&M has also just launched its Australian website- good news for us down under. But I agree that it's important to question their methods of production...

    1. Oh, wow! That's great for Aus! Yes, it does look like they are starting to do their bit to support the societies that produce their products. Thanks for stopping by!! xx

  3. You find the best and most interesting things on the internet! Loved the Planet Money video! It's about time H&M Home comes to Paris, although I think I still prefer Hema :-)

    1. Thank you love!! Isn't that video incredible! It's a brilliant insight into what a lot of people take for granted. I hope that after the "where does our food come from?" awareness comes the "where does our clothes come from?" questions. Oh, I love Hema - I wish they built bigger stores here like the ones in Amsterdam!! xx

  4. I'm so grateful to hear I'm not the only one with a love-hate relationship with H&M. ^_^

    Even though they promote the fast-fashion, they are also the largest distributors or recycled and organic cotton. Hopefully it counts for something? :-)
