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Montmartre meandering

Monday, March 10, 2014

A conversation about how unfamiliar my river-side dwelling friends, Katie and Carin, were with the area of Montmartre led to this wonderful day. I've lived in the shadow of the Butte de Montmartre for four years now, it's long been my playground. I was more than happy to show my dear friends around on this rare sunny day a couple of weeks ago.

Katie thought the day would be a good opportunity to shoot her first set of photos for a new series she's starting about puppies and their owners. Daisy and I were more than happy to be the first off the rank. Carin thought it might be nice to take pictures of Katie shooting us. And then at once stage I whipped my phone out to get them both!

Despite being a bit awkward at the start - on my behalf, Katie, the professional, was breezy and calm all day - it was lots of fun helping her create these wonderful pictures. They beautifully encapsulate the endless love I have for my little furry friend and the magnificent day the three of us had wandering the north of the city, at one point crepes in hand.

While days like these are few and far between, they are magic while they last and I'll never forget this particular one for as long as I live. I am beside myself grateful that Katie decided to bestow her talent on me and my pup. If you are visiting or are living in the city with a little fur friend of your own, contact Katie for a little photo session. As a testament on how good Katie is with our four-legged friends, Daisy hates! has strong issues with everything and everyone, but Katie had her sitting in her lap by the end of the day. I'd say they are now best friends forever!



  1. oh Daisy is so cute :)

    1. Yes, in 2D, when she's not barking at small children people on the street...! Thank you for stopping by!! xx

    2. haha yes, i know the feeling - i just got a new puppy and he is similar! no probs, nice to see other Australians all the way over here :)

  2. Katie & Daisy = best friends forever :)

    Also, these are the most gorgeous moments captured on film.... ever.

    1. Right?! I'm so grateful to Katie that I have these!! Daisy ♥'s Katie xx

  3. Lovely photos ! I love how you talk about Paris, very inspiring for a french girls like me :)

    1. Amelie, thank you so much!! It means a lot to me that you say that! Thank you for coming by! xx

  4. These are so lovely! We just brought home a 15 week old Italian Greyhound and love him so much. I may have to contact Katie for some photos of our little guy :D.

    1. Kelli!! Cosmo is absolutely adorable!! Omgod, I actually sucked in my breath when I went to your blog. You lucky thing, you are going to have so much fun! Yes, please get in contact with Katie! She is just so great! I'd do it now while little Cosmo is still a puppy, they grow so quick! xx

  5. Oh Lauren these photos are too adorable! Katie is amazing to have captured such beautiful shots - the second to last is just amazing!

    1. Thank you Faye!! Right?! Katie has an impeccable eye! xx

  6. These photos are so sweet! Looks like you had a great time.

    1. Hi Carys, thanks, it was a really great day!! xx

  7. Elles sont adorables ces photos ! Tu es superbe et rafraichissante, ça fait plaisir à voir !

    1. Ohhh, merci beaucoup! C'est vraiment gentille de toi a dire! Bisous xx

  8. Beautiful shots! YOUR HAIR.
    Looks like it was a marvelous day!

    1. Oh, thank you doll. It was a pretty perfect day!! xx

  9. Wow, Lauren, these are stunning! Love your smile, happiness, hilarious Daisy (sniffing the street art pup!) and the overall vibe. Katie captured your day so beautifully and you are radiating & glowing. Big wow!!!!

    1. Oh, Judith, thank you so much! How happy I was on this day, which comes across so well in these pics, is a testament to how great my friends are - I do believe the company on this day helped make the photos great, although my friend Katie is a brilliant photographer! Thank you for popping over! xx

  10. The light in these pictures is amazing! Lovely article
